I discover the magic world working how animator in a cruise ship: every week I saw a magic show, four days for week, and every show, twice. When my contract finish, 6 months before, I feel that I miss anything… It’ was Magic!!!
I goes directly to the Catalan Asociation of Magicians. I pass the exam and, within ones and another, they give me the idea of work how a professional magician.
My first contract how a professional illusionist was in the same cruise ship when I work first how a animator: The«Bolero» (Spanish Cruise Lines). Then I work in the «Flamenco» (Travelplan), «J.J. Sister» (Trasmediterranea), «New Flamenco» (Travelplan), «Monterrey» (Mediterranean Ship Company), «R7 BlueMoon» (Pullmantur), «Fortuny» (Acciona)…
Seven years after my first contract how a magician in cruise ships, I decided disembark. Since then, I work in hotels, particular parties, promotions, magic festivals, theatres, restaurants… And I teach magic for children and adults: particular classes for a special kind of magic, and for groups, when I teach general magic.
I collaborate with «Mags per l’esperança» (Magicians for the hope) and «Som-riures sense fronteres» (Laughs without frontiers), making magic in children hospitals.
During my magic preparation, I travel for Spain, France and London for knowing another magicians and kinds of making magic. I visit magicians in London, Italy, France
Member of:
- From may’09, is the vice-president of the Spanish Society of Magicians, Circle of Barcelona.
- Associació Catalana d’Il.lusionisme (ACAI)
(Catalan Association of Illusionism) - Sociedad Española de Ilusionismo (SEI)
- Associació de Mags Il.lusionistes de Catalunya (AMIC)
(Catalonian Associations of Magicians Illusionists) - Circulo de Ilusionistas Profesionales (CIP)
(Circle of Professional Illusionists) - International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM)
- The Magic Circle (London)